
Reports can be generated from all data or just selected entries, and saved to HTML, TXT, CSV and XML format. Their information includes device type, description, serial number, drive letter, date of creation and last plug-in, and so on. The GUI is classical, represented by a normal window with a neatly organized layout, where all USB devices are shown in a list at startup. An important aspect worth taking into account is that the Windows registry and Start menu do not get updated with new keys.


Portability perksĪs there is no setup pack included, you can save the program files to any part of the hard disk and just click the executable to run, as well as save USBDeview to a USB flash disk or similar storage unit, in order to launch it on any PC effortlessly and without previous activity. It sports a handy set of options, such as data export. USBDeview is a free, small-sized and portable Windows tool that shows detailed information about USB devices connected to the computer.
